
Fish and Ships 20 and 21 May 2023

Hooray for Herring Gulls!

Drop in to the Pannett Art Gallery to explore sea-birds in workshops and activities that build on their recent, highly successful, bird-themed project ‘The Wild Escape’.

These fun family sessions will be in the gallery over two days Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 May, 11am – 3pm.

Creative activities in the gallery will focus on sea birds and their natural habitats and will include discussions and activities, helping visitors to learn about the issues relating to the Herring Gull that have led to a dramatic decline in population and to Red List status.  You will also discover lots of fun and interesting facts about other local sea birds.

Using a range of techniques you can create and decorate your own seabird, looking at scale, colouring, beak shape and other features.  Then add your artworks to a large-scale display in the gallery that features elements of the birds’ natural habitat.


Pannett Art Gallery, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 1RE
01947 600933
Hooray for Herring Gulls